Thursday, December 4, 2014

Temple Gandin

My Experience with Autism:

Snowman door decoration

Big Resin Snowman Decoration DIY:

What's normal?

Rosie King: How autism freed me to be myself:

Monday, November 10, 2014

Can Google find cure for autism?

Autism Speaks, Google and geneticist Dr. Stephen Scherer have devised an ambitious ...

Sunday, November 9, 2014

We care about you...

Air Fresh Cleaning has been formed with the intentions of creating a one stop responsible and friendly sanitizing business. We at Air Fresh Cleaning understand that cleanliness is important to all families, busy one or two person households, and also the safety of workplaces so as to prevent workers from being out sick from offices that are not properly sanitized.Most harmful allergens and micro bacteria live, multiply, and collect in areas that are consistently warm, damp, and provide a steady food source. These sources are not justccontained to your in house plants or food items left out over a period of time, they also live and breed in sift and warm places providing direct sunlight and other areas that dark and secluded. Items like fabrics common with most furniture, bed mattresses, carpet and area rugs, ceiling fans, all types of window dressings, and all areas within walls and air ducts are the most prevalent and should be regularly cleaned and sanitized.As  you can see, there are absolutely NO areas that are completely safe from micro organisms, ESPECIALLY WHEN PETS ARE INVOLVED.An of course the unfortunate fact is that the most affected by these microbial invaders are young people whom have not yet developed an immunity to fight off these common health threats. The only way to combat these health issues effectively is by aggressively cleaning and sanitizing deep into violated fabrics.INSURE YOUR INVESTMENT WITH PROTECTION & MAINTENANCECALL US TODAY FOR FREE Pre-Inspection and free estimate.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

House cleaning in Houston,TX

I restarted a business I owned 5 years ago before my boy borned I owned for 5 years now I am back... visit us at to know more about it...

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Subtracting visual

Print & Go. Your students will love this set of eight bowling themed subtraction worksheets. This al... -


Matching sentence to picture activity with animals. -

Tiger craft

tijger knutselen met kleuters -

Crafts for kid

Aap knutselen met kleuters / monkey preschool craft -

Friday, October 10, 2014


Autism I am winning this battle

Visit my pinterest page and on my board kindergarten have a lot of what I been using on my son and honestly is working no one believes the progress, he was completely no verbal until 3 years old, now he talks to me and I have to put him to sleep before I can watch any TV because I can't hear it anymore... and I am happy about it.